Featured → Young Adult Fantasy

Badgerblood: Awakening


Must read 🏆

This is an action-packed fantasy adventure that is well suited to newer young adult readers and leads smoothly into future installments.

Life can change in a moment, revealing a future that is both unexpected and exciting. Kor does not remember much of his youth, left to wonder at the importance of a pendant he wears and the meaning of a series of recurring nightmares he experiences. Wanted by King Leon for both tax evasion and murder, Kor does everything he can to avoid detection by the mercenaries patrolling the land. However, when a scream breaks the relative calm of the Borwood Timberland one day, Kor makes the choice to battle a fearsome borlan, leading to a series of events that will reveal the truth of who he really is.

Written for a young adult audience, this book incorporates both complex plot lines and multidimensional characters. Romance and strong language are both kept to a minimum, increasing the range of accessibility of this book. The action sequences  are particularly detailed, often spanning several pages and engaging readers with their cinematic qualities. Newer young adult readers will appreciate the maturity of the plot without being overwhelmed by explicit content, and they will be compelled to progress quickly through the story.

Set in a fantasy locale, world-building is a necessary element in the design of this novel, and it happens effortlessly throughout the narrative. At the beginning of the book, readers are presented with a map of the land described in the story to more easily place them in this unfamiliar setting. Dynamic characters and a collection of interdependent kingdoms add intrigue to the plot as their relationships are defined in relation to one another. The first in a series, this book gives readers a solid understanding of Kor and Len’s shared environment while preparing them for the excitement to come in future installments.

Cleverly presented, this book introduces two folk tales from this fantasy land, both of which are directly mirrored throughout the novel’s plot. Excellent writing keeps readers engaged in the narrative, occasionally revealing information to readers that characters within the book may not know themselves. As each new truth comes to light, the story fits together even more completely, and the book naturally leads to a sequel. This is a strong introduction to the Badgerblood series and is a good fit for fantasy readers who prefer action and adventure over romance.

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I review books for kids, tweens, and teens and blog about them on my website. To date, I have over 500 published reviews. Sign up for my monthly newsletter at www.maryrlanni.com to get recommendations straight to your inbox! I primarily write reviews, but will create video reviews upon request.

About the author

I’m S.C. Monson, an American born abroad and born to write. My niche is creating quality and exciting, YA fantasy for families, packed with action and adventure and sprinkled with magic. A few of my influences in writing come from Cornelia Funke, Eoin Colfer, and Diana Wynne Jones. view profile

Published on April 13, 2021

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Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

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