Featured → Humor & Comedy

Blowing up the Airwaves


Loved it! 😍

Prepare to be blown away by the characters' wit, humor, and explosives 😉

Brad and Bone have been hosting their radio show for too long to know so little about each other’s minds, but it appears that they believe they are too different to keep working together. With Brad wanting more out of life than pranks that tend to go to far, and Bone being a sort of eternal teenager who cannot get enough of what they have been repeating for years, the radio show hosts seem unable to keep their show together, so how can they keep a stadium?

Threats to a football stadium begin in comments on their own show, but can they take things seriously long enough to save the lives presumably being threatened?

The book is such a quick, fun read. The radio show, the characters, and the situations they find themselves in are all funny. The conversations are clever, witty, and realistic, making the story fun to read as well as relatable.

 The plot is well paced, and the revelations come at just the right time. We see a well-structured development of characters despite the book being comparatively short; the characters are very likable and easy to sympathize with.

Usually with such books, writers tend to crowd the scenes with extra characters to get a good laugh, but the characters in this book serve their purpose without overdoing it or stealing the spotlight from each other.

Despite being funny, the book does not shy away from serious topics such as reaching a low point in one’s life, losing interest in what had once been a source of joy, friends drifting apart, people not really knowing much about each other regardless of how much time they spend together, and fresh starts.

The book is skillfully well-written, I recommend it to anyone who wants to be blown away 😉 – in a harmless, just-for-fun way.

Reviewed by

I have a master's degree in English Language and Literature When I'm not writing, I'm reading. My reviews are my personal, professional opinion based on my experience in the field. ❤️

About the author

Chris Wright spent 30+ years as a radio personality and now splits his time between writing books and narrating audiobooks for other authors and publishers. A dual-national with citizenship in the US and UK, Chris loves to travel and explore new places and cultures with his wife and two boys. view profile

Published on January 11, 2022

40000 words

Genre: Humor & Comedy

Reviewed by