FeaturedBiographies & Memoirs

Crazy: Reclaiming Life from the Shadow of Traumatic Memory


Loved it! 😍

An extremely vulnerable and beautiful account of self exploration which is nothing but an act of extreme courage.

"Crazy; Reclaiming Life from the Shadow of Traumatic Memory" is a beautiful and moving account of self-exploration and the author's own battle with her dissociative identity disorder (DID) experience. Written in the format of a memoir, Lyn slowly and carefully unpacks her near-perfect life, how few events in her life triggered the DID, and her gradual journey to healing and reclaiming her life back. The book is laced with voices of her multiple identities, with poems and scribbles from her journal when she had been in the midst of emotional turmoil..all giving the readers a first-hand experience of Lyn's struggle while simultaneously offering the readers the empathy to understand these traumas and disorders. She clearly articulates the conflicts and chaos inside herself and extensive details about how her therapy and her own quest helped her in the journey towards healing. She also talks about her community of courageous groups which helped her and helped each other in this "crazy" journey.

It is truly an act of courage, and I feel the need to emphasise this point more than once. Superficially, this book or even the author's life might look "Crazy" to people, and hence the title - but needless to say, Lyn Barett destroys that narrative and reconstructs a story that gives hope and empowerment to survivors of abuse. Her story of her academic and professional journey and success, accounts of her children - the rough start, and how she and her family gradually healed or accepted the wounds, and her successful relationships after her journey with DID, all of these gave layers and meanings to her account of self-exploration. The author's description of faith and spirituality and her dynamic and changing relationship with it was something that really caught my eye.

The book is written in a beautiful language and delivers its purpose efficiently.

Reviewed by

I'm Ashley Roby, a 21-year-old from India who finds solace in fictional characters' nuances and intricate details. I'm a science student pursuing a degree in Chemistry, and in the time that I make for myself, I read and read and read.

When the Bubble Burst

About the author

Lyn is an author and facilitator of Writers’ Workshops for Dissociative Writers. A retired teacher, school principal, and pastor, Lyn was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder in 1992. After considerable therapeutic work, she now lives a happily integrated life in NM with her husband. view profile

Published on January 03, 2022

Published by Koehler Books

60000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs

Reviewed by