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GET A MOVE ON! Mini-Workouts Anytime, Anywhere


Must read 🏆

An excellent quick read full of motivating tips and suggestions. Sure to get you moving!

Get a Move on is a really well-structured book. It is separated into chapters, all suitably entitled. A comprehensive contents page ensures that it is easy to find exactly which chapter you want. Alternatively, you could also easily read the entire book. The author uses an informal, conversational tone throughout the book. Whilst normally I am not a fan of this, it works really well in the book as it helps to motivate the reader and assure them that their goals are within reach and obtainable.

Get a Move On has lots of helpful checklists and additions throughout the book. There are some helpful sample compilations that are really useful. They give suggestions of daily, weekly and monthly targets for each exercise, and even include the time taken. A very useful addition to this book.

Chapter Seven explains the health benefits of exercise. Although many of us know these benefits, it never hurts to be reminded of them. Aerobic exercise, core strength, muscle strength, flexibility, rhythm and balance are all explained. Simple and practical examples of exercises for each area given, with plenty of variety and choice. This is an excellent chapter in terms of explaining the benefits of exercise as well as providing the reader with a variety of exercise options to address each exercise area.

A chapter is also dedicated to examining the impact of what we eat on our bodies. The author explains the impact of both food and liquids on our body and any weight loss goals. Following the pattern of this book, there are helpful suggestion of alternative food and drinks, for a variety of occasions.

The importance of walking is also addressed, in terms of government recommendations and the health benefits gained from walking. Once again, helpful suggestions are included to help readers incorporate walking into their ever-increasing busy schedules.

Get a Move On is a great read! It is a simply structured, easy to read step by step guide to improving your health and fitness. All of the suggestions are realistic and achievable – no special equipment required, no huge time commitments, just real advice for real people! Five out of five stars! 

Reviewed by

What It Means to be Fit, Well & Healthy

About the author

Luisa grew up in DC but hit the road in her 20s. She ran an ice cream parlor in Puerto Rico, was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Costa Rica & editor of Kitchen Bazaar Times. She likes to be in a pool or the ocean whenever possible and lives near Yountville CA w/ dogs who get her out walking every day. view profile

Published on July 22, 2021

Published by Bold Story Press

30000 words

Genre: Health & Wellbeing

Reviewed by