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HOSPITAL! A Medical Satire of Unhealthy Proportions


Must read 🏆

I recommend this book to anyone who needs a good laugh or loves to laugh!

I'm old-school; I love print books; however, I'd make an exception to listen to HOSPITAL! A Medical Satire of Unhealthy Proportions by Kyle Jones. Dr. Camus loved to curse in this dark humor book and frequently let the profanity fly. His mouth was so foul that the administration at The Peloton Forward Crescendo Care Amicus Health Priority Catalyst Wellness Code Blue Memorial Hospital of Her Motherly Excellence hired someone to be on the ready to bleep the doctor. (Yup, that's the hospital's full name. Catchy, right?!) Every time Censor had to sound the horn to cover up the curse words, he made bank. Thanks to Camus's potty mouth, Censor made more than the physicians. By the way, Censor had an actual name, but you won't find out what it is from me. 

Hospital!: A Medical Satire of Unhealthy Proportions had a narrator who interjected a few times. These moments would be more comical if I listened to the story instead of reading it. The numerous bleeps also would've been funnier in an audiobook. I can try to hear a horn blasting off each time I see the word "BLEEP," but to actually hear one would've had me in stitches. 

This story did amuse the heck out of me. I never knew what would come out of Camus's mouth. Man, oh man, he was a vile piece of work. After he went to the hypnotist and entered the clinic, I nearly spit my drink out over the stories the patients shared with him on the reasoning behind their visit. The one who did an internet search on their symptoms and rushed to the hospital, demanding numerous tests, was my favorite. Why? Whenever I google my symptoms, it always comes up as cancer as a possible diagnosis. The person in the clinic had a sore toe, and, guess what, the search told them it was? Yup it might be cancer. Cancer is not funny, but it never fails, a top-rated medical site (name withheld on purpose) always has cancer as a possible diagnosis. 

With or without Camus's sidekick (Censor) nearby, this story made me chuckle. I recommend this book to anyone who needs a good laugh or loves to laugh! It's hilarious from start to finish! 

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I've been constructing reviews for over a decade and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I will share some of the books I read through this site on my blog, Pinterest, and Twitter. #KamsPlace Don't forget to tip your waitress! :D

Dr. Camus is a Jerk

About the author

Kyle Bradford Jones, MD is a very handsome man who practices family medicine in Salt Lake City. He is the author of Fallible: A Memoir of a Young Physician's Struggle with Mental Illness, winner of the 2020 Pencraft Award for Autobiography. He is enchanted by decorative spoons and Koosh balls. view profile

Published on December 22, 2022

Published by Black Rose Writing

20000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre: Humor & Comedy

Reviewed by