FeaturedWomen's Fiction

Lucy McGee's Moment of Truth


Loved it! 😍

I was captivated by the first chapter. The conflict is very visible from the very beginning and that was what reeled me in.

Human actions are frequently intertwined. Something will happen as a result of one incident, which will influence someone else's life, which will, in turn, influence another, then on and on it goes. It becomes a vicious circle. One habit leads to another, one domino is knocked down, the next follows, then the next. Before you know it, all dominoes are knocked over. 

This is said to be the “Domino Effect”. According to the Domino Effect, if you change an action, or when an event happens, it will set off a chain reaction, causing changes in associated events as well.

This happens to be one of the major theories this book, Lucy McGee's Moment of Truth, thrives on. 

“Hell… life’s curveballs were her specialty. Yet, there was a catch. There was always a damned catch: she hadn’t told her husband or children about Daniel and the unwed mother chapter early in her life. Her heart sank as she thought about the domino effect.”

“Revealing the story would spark enormous chaos in her daily family life and not revealing it could set off even bigger problems, possibly catastrophic. Either way, she’d lose.”

This concept, to me, is a very thrilling concept and I couldn’t wait to see how it was all going to play out in the novel. In the end, the author using this theory is justified. The chain of events that are seen in the novel are clearly events happening because something had happened, a decision was taken, and their repercussions are what the MC and her friend (and maybe their families) had to deal with. 

When I received the notification to review this book, I remember contemplating whether or not I should dig in. As usual, I decided to have a go at the first chapter. I am glad I did. I was captivated by the first chapter. The conflict is visible from the very beginning and that was what reeled me in.

Considering the short phone call Lucy McGee had with Elise Morin about Daniel and the short friction that brought, I knew something was about to go down and I wanted to be a part of it. For me, that was the moment I decided I wanted to read the book. And that, in my opinion, counts as a book being well-written.  Yes, there are other factors to consider for a well-written book but to get your readers interested in your book in the very first chapter takes talent, it is a definite plus. 

"Well, bully for her. Lucy wasn’t ready to call him Max just because Elise decreed it so. In her mind, he was still the sweet little baby Daniel that Lucy held in her arms. Now in her fifties, she had learned how to present persuasive arguments without giving in to her emotions. Over the years she had rehearsed obsessively what she would say to this woman and her husband if given the chance. She knew it by heart, like a fine Shakespearean soliloquy ready to move a rapt audience."

The above paragraph is the beginning of a major tension that began as soon as the call started. And this tension never ended. With each sentence following that, there is a build up. It intensified from sentence to sentence and you could feel it. The writer knew the right words to use, the right descriptions and the right pace. All coming together to get readers to feel just exactly what was happening, and captivating you.

"However, there was still a lingering burden from her past that refused to resolve itself; and she wondered if she could straighten out the past without ruining her future."

I enjoyed how the book flowed easily. The author knew the right time to reveal what, and never forced things, given the gravity of some of the issues. Brown just takes your hands and walks you through each stage of the story, one step at a time. It is worth the read. 

Reviewed by

Boakye D. Alpha is a published author, poet, scriptwriter, editor, proofreader, blogger, motivational speaker, student journalist, and entrepreneur among other things. He is currently a student at KNUST, Ghana- Africa, in his 4th year pursuing a Bachelor of Arts, English.

About the author

Gina Brown’s work has been published in magazines, newspapers and blogs. In 2020, she founded NovaHeart Media an indie publishing platform. Lucy McGee’s Moment of Truth is her first novel. She is currently working on a book of short travel pieces. She lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. view profile

Published on June 03, 2021

Published by NovaHeart Media

80000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre: Women's Fiction

Reviewed by