FeaturedHealth & Wellbeing

Reboot Your Brain


Must read 🏆

Reboot Your Brain, by Sara Davenport, is absolutely amazing, outlining how we can stop brain fog and slow, if not stop, mental decline.

Reboot Your Brain, by Sara Davenport, is a absolutely amazing. While some of the tips and tricks outlined may be a bit unrealistic, there is so much information about retraining your brain to function optimally, I would rate it as a must read.

Factors from our environment, pollution, diet, exercise, supplements, and negative thinking all trigger brain decline, but you can change it. The author goes into scientific reasons why, and explains how neuroplasticity has unlocked the understanding that our brains can change their structure and function through mental experience alone. In other words, it's never too late to change your behaviors to see at lest some positive results.

She writes this book after her father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and she certainly invested the time in the research. She points out how few of our great-grandparents succumbed to dementia, yet it is almost common today. It's more than our genes causing brain decline, it is the environment, eating habits, exercise, and mental state of mind.

In this 300-page book, which is a comprehensive reference book outlining study after study, she makes suggestions on how to take back control of your brain in three simple stages: first, unburden your brain, then repair it, and finally, boost it.

I was particularly impressed with Chapter 6, which talks about the power of rewiring your brain to react differently to stress and adverse situations.

Some suggestions she makes to reboot your brain include:

  • Meditate, especially when you first get up.

  • Find a purpose in your life as those with purpose have been shown to be happier people.

  • See yourself becoming the you that you want to be, as the non-conscious mind can help create the results you want.

  • Make a connection to something greater than yourself such as an invisible power, higher self, universe, or God.

  • Be around positive minded people as you pick up emotions from those around you.

  • Exercise in start and stop spurts.

  • Consume a diet that is rich with Omega-3 oils, fresh vegetables and fruits, with minimal sugar and alcohol.

  • Learn a new language or how to play a musical instrument.

  • Surround yourself with pleasant smells and sounds.

There's so much here that you are bound to walk away with several suggestions on how to reboot your brain to help ward off dementia and brain fog.

Reviewed by

I am an award-winning journalist, communications professional, and photographer. I wanted to combine my love of writing with my passion for cats. The result: my blog at Paws News for Cat Lovers with BJ Bangs.


About the author

Sara Davenport, is the founder of the cancer charity Breast Cancer Haven and author of Reboot Your Health: Simple tests and solutions to assess and improve your health. She also writes the blog www.reboothealth.co.uk. Reboot Your Brain is her second book. view profile

Published on February 06, 2020

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90000 words

Genre: Health & Wellbeing

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