FeaturedWomen's Fiction

Terms and Conditions


Loved it! 😍

Terms and Conditions by Helen J. Darling is a captivating unpredictable tale of one woman's life-changing move to New York City.

In Terms and Conditions by Helen J. Darling we're reunited with Jane Desmond (I'll Know Me When I Find Me) who has decided to move to New York City and leave behind her dead-end job, successful friends, and an overprotective mother. Her hope for her new life in the big city is to find a job in the literary scene. Day one everything that could go wrong does go wrong and more. Day two is a very expensive sightseeing excursion and by day three Jane decides it's time to look for a job. She had assumed finding a job would be easy. It's not. Either is convincing her mother that everything is going great in her new life. Jane finds herself making a promise to post daily updates on social media on how things are going. There's only one problem with this and that's Jane's decision to keep from family and friends what is really going on in her life. Several days and several job interviews later and things are starting to look up for Jane. Little does she know things are about to go very wrong for her in her new life in New York City.

Darling has created a fun, delightful, and easy to like character in Jane Desmond. While I'll Know Me When I Find Me introduced us to Jane at a time of self-discovery, Terms and Conditions transforms her into a well-developed character that the reader can definitely relate to. I enjoyed getting to know New York City and at times, due to the attention paid to detail, felt as if I was right there with Jane starting over. I liked the way the story unraveled and would describe it as a real page turner that kept me both guessing and shouting with joy to the end. Terms and Conditions caught my attention right away because I've often thought of moving to NYC and starting over. I also liked how the author had Jane face a variety of new city/new life situations. It was a bonus that the solutions to the various situations were resourceful as well as savvy.

This is a well-written book that tells an interesting, albeit at times complicated story of moving to a new place and starting over. The pace of the book was perfect and the subject matter well-researched without being too technical. Though it's not necessary to read Darling's debut novel before reading Terms and Conditions, readers will find themselves wanting to read both.

Reviewed by

Wednesday, August 1

About the author

Helen J. Darling is the author of two humorous women’s fiction novels: Terms and Conditions and I’ll Know Me When I Find Me. She worked in publishing for twenty years before launching her writing career. When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, she keeps bees. view profile

Published on November 14, 2019

Published by

90000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre: Women's Fiction

Reviewed by