FeaturedEpic Fantasy

The Ravenstones: Prophecy Fulfilled


Must read 🏆

An epic conclusion to an epic series any fantasy fan will love reading

Eirwen and Fridis, a polar bear and Eider duck set out on an adventure seven volumes ago. They've encountered magic, friends, enemies, scheming diplomats. warmongering forces, hopeful peace negotiators and a cast of characters as massive as any you would find in a George R.R. Martin book. All of the players have been set, all of the stakes have been raised, and one way or another the expansive story is wrapping up here. Eirwen and Fridis are about to find out if all of the danger they have gotten into, all of the intrigue that has gone on around them, and all of the political maneuvering will pay off. Will a prophecy be fulfilled? Or will it all come to naught?

C.S. Watts had his work cut out for him in this final volume. There are a ton of story lines to wrap up, questions to be answered and, action to be delivered. At the start of the series it was questionable to the reader whether or not Watts could deliver but in the end he's answered that question in remarkable fashion. Like the rest of the volumes, there is intrigue, rumors, legends, magic, and fierce battles. This final book is just as engrossing as the rest and pays off in droves for the reader.

There are story lines from previous volumes that pay off in amazing fashion here. It may seem like a seven volume series staring talking animals would be too much but the end here makes all of the reading of the previous volumes an even richer experience.

If you have read the books up to this volume, you'll know how charismatic and interesting the characters of Eirwen and Fridis are but it's still a wonder how Watts balances such a large cast of characters in such a meaningful way and delivers on story at the same time.

This is a series I would recommend any fantasy fan give a read. If you love sweeping epics full of magic, interesting politics, memorable characters, and a plot that will keep you guessing, read this series. You definitely don't want to start with book 7 so make sure to start at the beginning so you can accompany Eirwen and Fridis on all of the twists and turns that take them to this most impressive ending.

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I am an avid reader. I love books and discovering something new to recommend to people. I love epic fantasy and horror the most but I will read anything as long as it is good quality.


About the author

C.S. Watts was born in Canada's far north. His first career as a diplomat and advisor to ministers, premiers and prime ministers took him to many of the world's capitals, where he dealt with a whole host of public policy matters, He's now embarked on a second career, as an author of fantasy novels. view profile

Published on November 16, 2022

Published by The Yellowknife Press

140000 words

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Reviewed by