FeaturedWomen's Fiction

What's Not True — A Novel


Loved it! 😍

A dramatic, comedic telenovela of a women’s fiction about infidelity and fickle hearts

This was a dramatic, comedic telenovela of a women’s fiction about infidelity and fickle hearts, similar to the first in the series: What’s Not Said.

Again, I loved that the characters are middle-aged with enjoyable sex lives, and appreciate that there is a bright humour in addressing the raunchy parts — the casual mention of erectile dysfunction pills, the ability (or lack thereof) to go multiple rounds of sex, and the references to aging bodies that are still sexually attractive, functional and beautiful.

The characters were all fabulously flawed but they all each have their redeeming qualities. I especially loved how Mike and Kassie were able to connect genuinely despite so much that has transpired between them — their relationship and mutual respect for each other was touching and sweet. After everything, Mike knew that there had been real love there, even though they were on the verge of divorce, and that Kassie had a lot to offer in terms of her skill and wit to manage a business.

Their relationship -- surrounded by so much farcical fakeness and infidelity -- was the saving grace among so many deplorable characters, and I was thrilled to read these parts. I also liked the aspects of romantic comedy, and the cattiness of the women as they interacted with each other. There are also a few surprises and a few shocking dramatic moments to hold the reader's interest.

Having adored many elements of the first book in the series, it is hard not to compare them, but I must admit this one lost a bit of the initial charm. Its pacing is challenged with being the second in the series, because it has to "catch us up" many times to what had already transpired. Having already read that book, I wished it would move right along to the action, but I had to be patient.

That said, I do not recommend reading this until you have read the first book, as you will inevitably be very lost among all of the interlocking relationships of the characters. Plus if you miss the first book, you’ll have missed out on Topher, who was largely absent here (much to my dismay!) — whereas he stole the show at times in Book 1, in Book 2 he was left in the care of a friend while Kassie was travelling. He needs his own book (or at least a short story)… just saying! :)

Overall, this was an enjoyable read, with spicy characters and drama galore. If you’re a Golden Girls fan who loves daytime soap operas, this would be sure to tickle your fancy. I think this novel will resonate well with this audience, as these types of characters are not celebrated enough, particularly in this genre that includes romance and sex. It ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. I believe there will be a third book following on from this one, and I look forward to seeing what happens next with “Bad Kassie”, now that she is at the helm of things!

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Author, editor (15+ yrs) & avid reader/reviewer of most genres. When I love a book, I LOVE a book. Please share the love and upvote my own novel via: sfortuneauthor.com/upvote ***Note: Instead of Reedsy tips, you can directly support my Reviews via: ko-fi.com/sfortuneauthor***

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About the author

A CT native, Valerie Taylor's 30-year marketing career in financial services took her to Boston and Seattle. After retiring, she returned to CT to be with family and to become a novelist. She enjoys penning book reviews for BookTrib, practicing tai chi, and being an expert sports spectator. view profile

Published on August 24, 2021

Published by She Writes Press

80000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre: Women's Fiction

Reviewed by