
With A Blighted Touch


Loved it! 😍

Highly recommend. Once you start you won't want to put it down - a well written and thought out novel

Kit is a talented guitarist with a history of bad choices and worse luck. He receives a call from his manager, not only telling him his time with the band is over but that his mother has died and he's missed the funeral. Kit heads back to Black Rock, the hometown he thought he'd escaped and left all the bad memories behind. Once home, he runs into his old friend, Troy, and learns about recent disappearances and mysterious deaths. Is it linked to what he witnessed when he was younger? And is he ready to confront his past and the secrets he's kept?

What a novel!

Kit did get on my nerves at the beginning but grew on me and I enjoyed his character development throughout. He took responsibility for his life and actions.

Children in horror always freak me out, and the ones that pop up in this novel are no exception - I can't say anymore than that as I don't want to spoil anything. There is a good build up of events and how everything is connected. Nothing felt rushed and it was all explained, I could picture scenes clearly and descriptive language used was great - don't think I'll be looking at a sponge the same for a little while though.

The diary format really worked for me; it didn't feel rushed. It was a well throughout plot and was executed really well. Kit, Troy, and Courtney were all written really well alongside the Dunleys - even though they were a bunch of bullies and weren't likeable or even have any redeeming qualities.

There is some gore but nothing that is too extreme or over the top. It felt needed and not put it for the sake of it.

If you enjoy folklore / folk horror then I highly recommend you check this out. This book flies over and once you start you won't want to put it down

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I've always been a bookworm; and my taste has always been varied. I always enjoy a good mystery / thriller or a family saga (if it spans over more than one generation, even better) but over the past 12 months I've dipped my toes into the horror genre and I'm loving what I've found so far.

Within Arm's Reach

About the author

I'm the author of the Deiparian Saga trilogy: "The Witchfinder," "The Crimson Fathers," and "Bane of the Witch." I also write Blu ray reviews for "Screem" magazine. When not writing I enjoy collecting and watching movies, reading, and lurking in dusty old bookstores. view profile

Published on October 24, 2023

Published by BHC Press

70000 words

Contains graphic explicit content ⚠️

Genre: Horror

Reviewed by